(Zukhuruf) 43 : 44
وَإِنَّهُ لَذِكْرٌ لَكَ وَلِقَوْمِكَ ۖ وَسَوْفَ تُسْأَلُونَ

And indeed this is a Reminder for you and for your people; and you both will be questioned about It.

It is told in verses 6: 90; 38: 87; and 81: 27 that Adhikr is nothing except a Reminder to the entire worlds. Here in this verse since it is told that It is a Reminder for you and for your people, the responsibility of propagating Adhikr is to the Messenger and to his people who has inherited Lord’s Book as told in verse 35: 32. Today, even though the Fujjar who has become worthless people by forgetting Adhikr are reading these verses in Arabic Qur’an, they by not utilising Adhikr themselves and not giving It to others belonging to Messenger’s community for utilising, are hastening for the destruction of the world, and thereby for occurrence of the Day of Judgement. Against these Fujjar (the Mujirims) who do not lead a life by understanding the Message of the verses, on the Day of Judgement Messenger will complain against them as “Oh my Lord! Indeed these people of mine have migrated from this Reading” as told in verse 25: 30. See explanation 6: 25-26; 34: 19-14; 102: 8.